Brazil certification

Professional technical service organization




12.1.1 This Regulatory Standard - NR and its annexes define technical references, fundamental principles and protective measures to safeguard the health and physical integrity of workers and establish minimum requirements for the prevention of accidents and illnesses at work in the design and construction phases. use of machines and equipment, as well as their manufacture, import, commercialization, exhibition and assignment of any kind, in all economic activities, without prejudice to the observance of the provisions of the other NRs approved by Ordinance MTb nº 3.214, of 8 June 1978, in the official technical norms or in the applicable international norms and, in the absence or omission of these, optionally, in the harmonized European type "C" standards.

The risk assessment documentation, in addition to being a requirement of the NR12 Item 12.1.9 standard, is also fundamental for the continuation of the work on adapting machines and equipment.

In addition to working with the lowest cost in the market, SICE works with qualified professionals to develop complete reports with notes and application suggestions, it is possible through our documentation to elaborate the proposal for the adequacy of machines and equipment without the company having costs with other steps.

In addition to developing reports in accordance with NR12, SICE provides all advice to companies that are under supervision, through strategic meetings that can be held at the client as well as at the supervisory body.

These are notes of risks found, which may be mechanical, electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, among others, each identified risk point has a suggestion of adequacy according to the rules below:

